Partying Our Way Out of September

Hello all! I had another great weekend. On Saturday morning mom and I went to a stroller fitness class. I love helping to be a personal trainer for Mom. I think that it is funny that she needs to push me around in all this heat.

Later that evening, we went to an Oktoberfest party. For some reason, there was some bouncer keeping me and my friends away from one end of the deck. I wonder what those crazy grown-ups were hiding. I ate lots of cheese spaetzle, deviled eggs, and watermelon.

Today we went to Brady and Cody's birthday party at the Little Gym. I did a great job sitting at the table and eating cake. I missed part of the party because I was taking an uber nap. Miss Kelly made all the guests really cool capes for favors. In the evening, we joined Brendan and Paige's family out for Greek. We really know how to rock a restaurant.

 Baby goes tp'ing.

 Loving the baby swing.

 After putting Mom through her workout.

 Monster drool.
 Super Birthday! L to R: A guest, Colin, Cody, and Alden.

