What a weekend! We had a visiting dog for the weekend, Atticus. We were seeing if we should adopt him. It broke Mommy's heart, but Daddy and Mommy decided not to adopt him. He was super sweet, but needed some work on his house manners.
On Friday, Daddy was out until really late. He missed all the fun. Alex and Atticus got really muddy in the backyard. They got the floor all dirty so Mommy put on some cartoons so she could shower them and then clean the mud up. I kept complaining my stomach hurt. I went up to my bed, feel asleep and then puked all over my clothes and bedding. Mommy's friend Doracy had stopped by, so Doracy watched the dogs while Mommy helped me clean up.
Atticus was pretty wild that night and peed on the carpet several times.
On Saturday afternoon I felt better, but then Trent got the bug. We spent most of the day passed out on the couch. The washing machine was really busy that day. At dinner time, Trent woke up from his nap and declared himself cured.
On Sunday we went to Miss Joni's house for a super bowl party.
Earlier in the week we took the bead Mommy brought back from New Orleans last weekend and made a fancy Mardi Gras tree.
Mardi Gras tree. |
Sweet Atticus. |
Wearing Mom's beads. |
First spring flowers are out. |
Sick day. |
Super Bowl 50. |
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