Trent is One Month

Hey there - Trent here. I'm one month already! Mom and Dad helped me "celebrate" by going to the doctor today. I can think of a lot better ways to celebrate! Urgh! My idea of a good time is a full belly and a peaceful nap on someone's chest. That mean doctor poked me in the leg and then gave me a boring plain brown band-aid. Boo!

I weigh 12 lb 4 oz now which puts me at the top of the charts. It is amazing given I was 8 lb 15 oz at birth. Look at me grow.

Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Jenny are visiting so I've been suckering them into letting me sleep on them. While I was  napping they put together Alden's big boy bed. Before he just had a mattress on the floor so he's really styling now. He even got new choo-choo train sheets.

Alden has discovered some Mickey Mouse show and he loves it. He wants to go to Florida to find Mickey. 

We'll have LOTS of new pictures to share soon. Everyone is too tired tonight to help me get the pictures downloaded from the camera.

Good night. I must get some zzz's before waking up Mom a few times in the wee hours. Alden and I have been tag teaming on that. I poop and scream for milk. Alden comes into their bed saying he is scared or "it's daytime." For some reason Mom and Dad don't think 5 a.m. is daytime. LOL!

