Here are some assorted recent pictures of me!
Enjoying the Wake Tech Culinary Arts Show. |
Having a "loud response" at the culinary show. |
Graduating from Dunn Speech Therapy. |
Playdate with Will and Colin. Yes, they are twins. |
For some reason, this is fun. |
After being behind on my speech I am now rocking it! When I was retested I scored at my age level. I talk a lot now. Some of my favorite words are: ball, doggie, duck, woof-woof, digger, tractor, shark, neigh-neigh (when I see a horse), water, gup (as in Octonauts), Mommy, Daddy, help, and hoop (as in basketball). I imitate words all the time now.
I sometimes even say "Alden."
Tonight I refused to get into the bathtub until I got to play with an Octonauts toy.
I like looking at Alden's shark picture book.
Mallory had surgery last week to remove a kidney that had a big bump on it. She has to sleep in the kennel while she gets better. I love crawling in there.
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