Alden got to bring home Traveling Teddy (TT) from school home for the weekend. He started out very excited about it, but by the end of the weekend got bored of Mommy and Daddy taking pictures of him.
We took TT bowling (Alden's idea), to dinner in downtown Durham (Cuban), grocery shopping, and to see "Planes 2." Planes 2 was my first movie theater movie. I sat perfectly through the whole thing. Trucks, planes, helicopters, and fires - I give it two thumbs up.
We all know Alden has some trouble getting to sleep at night. Sometimes he keeps getting out of bed. Of course at night he is the sweetest kid. Last week Mommy was in the office on the computer after 10 p.m. and Alden went up there because he couldn't sleep and started dusting the floors. Me? I know better. I like my crib.
Speaking of cribs, Mommy and Daddy are in no hurry to kick me out. I still like it and I don't climb out yet so why bother. I take two books to bed, and many mornings I like to lay around and read before getting out of bed. Mommy came to get me the other day and she thought it was so cute I was reading my Bob The Builder book saying "Pickles" because I was on the Farmer Pickles page.
Note Trent wearing an Elmo pj top. |
Shot of Alden's school journal. |
Teddy out to dinner in Durham. |
Late night cleaning. |
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