On Saturday we went to see a movie at the IMAX. It was about a guy who went down the deep sea in a submarine. We didn't keep our 3D glasses on, but we did watch it.
That night, Mommy went out with the Jaycees. Miss Molly came to hang with us. So did Brendan and Paige because Miss Joni and Mr. Dave were going to the Jaycees thing too. We had pizza. Alden got in trouble for hiding Brendan's DS (video game). Alden ended up getting sick and puking on Mommy and Daddy's bed, on the carpet, and in Mommy and Daddy's toilet. Mommy wasn't too pleased about that. The next day he was ok, but Mommy is not letting him eat dairy for a few days to see if that has any impact.
Mallory ate a box of 64 crayons and Mommy wasn't too happy about that mess either. Now she has colorful poop.
On Sunday Mommy was really happy with us because we actually got along and played for a bit. It gave her time to catch up on some laundry before I leaked poop in my pants. More laundry!
Mommy was so excited - I peed in the potty after bath this evening. I ran into my room naked yelling "it's coming out!" I got most of it in the potty!
Trying out a new cupcake shop. |
Hockey time. |
Waiting for food. |
Brothers playing nap time. |
Brothers playing trucks. |
Nothing but the finest glassware for Trent. |
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