Alden had a field trip to a pumpkin farm on his birthday. Mommy went with him as a chaperone. It was a cold and rainy day. They had fun, but cut the field trip a bit short. Daddy picked up Alden to school and they went to Toys R Us where Alden picked out some military toys. When they got back, Alden picked Ci Ci's pizza for dinner. Upon returning home, we had birthday cake decorated with a military jet on top and cameo sides. Alden declared it good to be 6.
On Friday, while Alden was at school, Mommy and I met up with some old friends, Miss Kim and her sons Nathan and Ryan. We went to a park. It was cold and wet. After the park we went to a Halloween library story-time.
On Friday we went to the haunted trail Mommy was working on. One of the tractors got stuck in the mud so it took a lot time for us to get a ride. It was supposed to be light out, but by the time we got on it was dark. It was scary.
For Halloween I was a scary dragon and Alden was Mr. Incredible. We got lots of candy. Mommy and Daddy took turns taking us out. It was especially fun for Mommy since this was the first year both Alden and I were really into it. Alden went into the neighbor's haunted house, but I say no way! The weather was good too - dry and not too cold. After we got done trick or treating, we ordered pizza. Then we watch the Disney version of Sleepy Hollow. Mommy let us go to bed with her and Daddy. We got to stay up late and eat as much candy as we wanted. Halloween is my kind of day.
Alden's first field trip - pumpkin farm. |
Playing in the corn. |
Library story time. |
Halloween 2015! |
Candy! |
Guess which one is Mommy! |
Six. |
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