Auntly Visit

Aunt Kat came to visit us this weekend. On Friday we took her to meet two rescue dogs: Thomas and Stella. Both are super cute. However, Alex got along with Stella better so we are going to have her over for a trial-to-adopt this upcoming week.

We went to eat several times, and Aunt Kat even made us dinner on Sunday.

On Saturday Mom, Aunt Kat, Alex and I went for a long walk. I rode my bike. I got really frustrated that we were gone so long. It was way too much for me. I cried and for awhile, refused to move.

Trent was still sick over the weekend. Last night I complained of a headache. Then I threw up and got a fever. I stayed home from school today. I went to the doctor where I tested negative for strep. I am miserable.

Aunt and Alden selfie - Trent refused to cooperate.



